CPP Reference & Study Materials

We have compiled a list of ASIS CPP reference and study materials for those interested in the Certified Protection Professional board certification from the American Society for Industrial Security.
I passed the test this morning, on the 8th of March, 2016, making my goal of obtaining the CPP before I turn 30. I’m glad it is over. Some guidance:
To be honest, I did not find any section of the test easy. It was an extremely difficult test, in part because of the broad scope of information you are required to know, but mostly due to the wording of the questions. The by-the-book definitions are replaced with scenarios and synonyms, causing much confusion and without a total grasp of the concept you are left guessing. Let’s just say I did a lot of guessing…
Humor aside, it requires you to not only know the material and how to apply it, but you must also decipher the question as well as the answer choices. For example, one of the first questions I had dealt with the three types of protection security functions may offer, which by the book is physical security, personnel security and information security. The question gave a round-a-bout scenario, and the answer choices were different groupings of those three choices, but not as written in the book, but vicarious examples. So you had to filter out the actual question, understand the scenario, and then figure out which answer included the three options which represented those mentioned above. Easy right???
I did the CPP review course, quite honestly, it was only a minor help in the whole study scheme. It would not suffice as a stand alone by any means. I would recommend going to the review, but again with the understanding that the majority of your study efforts will be your own.
Also, check out this great article from EP Nexus:
How to Pass The CPP In Six Weeks:
How to Pass The CPP In Six Weeks:
Here are some great resources via Drobox from Stephen Preston:
Below are some great, and fresh, resources courtesy of Tim Gulden, CPP
Business Practices Questions and Notes
Security Principles and Practices Questions
POA Notes via the courtesy of Jonathan Taormina, CPP, CFE, PCI